DID Generator

Uses did:key
Simple to use
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Q: Are there any security aspects I should be aware of?
This specification offers no additional protection against surveillance, nor does it endorse it. All data related to the key are stored by the wallet implementer in the form and location of their choice, but it must be outside of the EBSI Platform. The stored data includes VCs, Private keys, DIDs, and DID documents.
Q: What standards are involved?
Implementers must follow the latest ETSI, ENISA, and NIST security guidelines for key management in (mobile) applications and for the secure storage of personal data, whether on-site or in the cloud, including the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure data transmission.
Q: Can I revoke verified credentials?
VCs may be revoked, but doing so does not remove the contained data; it merely terminates the private key owner's usage of the VC.